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Intuitively living - Connecting your Heart and Mind from Beyond the Bedside

Providing a BMS (Body, Mind, Spirit) approach to your health and wellness. Follow the path of your soul not the path of another.

Intuitive Health and Wellness

Connects you to your Silent Whisper

Ground, clear and balance your energy opening you to flow more freely with life

Clean and clear the three brains of the body (Cerebral, Heart, Gut), so you can hear and be in tune with life correctly.

Awaken long lost, locked away gifts. Which brings deeper emotional healing.

Works with your Four Bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) for healing and insights

Help to deepen the connection within yourself and then with others

What is Reiki?

Why you?

How can you help me?

How Can I work with you?



Ways I can share my gifts with you


Behavioural Scientist




Reiki Master

If you have happened upon my website - you have just won the healthcare human lotto.


I am trained in all areas, so I can help your human self live, as Marie Kondo would put it, 'a mess free life'. What area are you experiencing challenge? - Nothing is off limits, What I deal with is your human self. The whole person - your human self - mind, body and spirit.


I have ALL areas of your human existence covered. Sent from the bedside to beyond. I have worked in the messiest of environments and murkiest of waters, having helped people navigate through challenges like a pro. Waters I too have had to navigate myself - I would not have been able to If I too had not experienced what others had. I can show you how to easily navigate challenges with ease and flow. So you can live your best life, the life you were sent here to live!


Let me be your guide, your light house, your bridge between worlds. So I can help you find peace and healing much quicker.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is pure life force energy and energy is the common denominator of all living things.  We all have it, plants animals and people. Your body has its own intelligence, just as your own energy field. Reiki helps to reset your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual fields. Reiki has a certain wisdom about it, as does your body. 


Life force energy is our own inner vitality and it flows in and around our bodies in a certain way. Much like an electrical system, the nervous system, our breathing system, circulatory system and so forth. 


At times words like chakras, auras and energy field are used. These are just words to explain energetic anatomy. Just like the body has an anatomy, so to does our energy system. When our blood flows and circulates well, we feel healthy. When our nervous system circulates well, we feel calm. When we breathe in a regular pattern we feel alive. Reiki, is another form of unseen energy anatomy that we too need to take care of so we can feel extra good AND move through life in a much lighted more self aligned system. 


If for any reason we feel blocked or off, symptoms can show up within our body sometimes fast and sometimes slow as a warning sign. Chronic Stress and burnout is big in western culture.


As a reiki practitioner we don’t offer our energy. We simply align with the vibration of the you, the environment and the situation you are experiencing as already whole, healed and balanced. It is up to the person, environment or people seeking the assistance to decide if they want to accept and match to that vibration. Both consciously and subconsciously. 

Are You Ready for a Radical Awakening?

Let Me Be The Lighthouse To Your True Soul's Blueprint.
Where deeper health, healing, wealth, relationships and everything InBetween awakens

What makes me Qualified to help you?

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Oooo, the meaty part! 


I have developed a Mind- Body - Spirit knowledge base in recent years. Combining my training as a Nurse, Behavioural scientist and Reiki Master. Having researched health and wellness extensively for the last 15 years.


I have a deep passion for understanding human behaviour,  human consciousness, the sub-conscious mind and its effects on our health, wealth and everything InBetween'. I have written a number of books explaining the role of intergenerational trauma patterns, attachment theory, Internal family systems (IFS) and the use of somatic body work for healing both the mind and the body so we can tap into our own innate wisdom where DEEPER healing comes from within.


Everything I suggest I have tried and tested for myself. I teach, share and coach the way I was taught. Fully available and with two feet in, ready to learn and take action towards my goals. I would never suggest anything that I haven’t clinically or personally seen works. With both lived and worked experience with Anxiety, postnatal depression and anxiety, poor coping mechanisms and addictions, burnout, unhealthy relationships with others and myself (Inner critic anyone?!) perfectionism. How many other ticks should I put in there?


As much as I respect the wonders of the medical model, it helped me in many areas. I was a complex case and the band aid was only touching and protecting the surface. I wanted more, I wanted to go deeper and pull out the rotten roots, peel back the onion layer, air out the muck that was keeping me stuck and start again. That required a radical self responsible deeper holistic approach. 


This is where Somatic body work became the CRUCIAL missing piece of the puzzle. Reiki, Bowen therapy, EMDR, Meditation, Somatic healing, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, breathwork and MANY other healing modalities combined helped me to feel whole and well again.


I want this for you too! We were put on this earth to THRIVE not live in a permanent state of survival burnout mode. It is unhealthy for us all and occurs in many aspects of our lives. I will warn you, I am a Neuroscience and Body science NERD, is it any wonder I ended up in healthcare? Funnily enough I am an Ambivert with a VERY quirky sense of humor probably thanks to my neurodivergence!  


Whether your experiencing challenges within your work life, home life, business or relationships. I am skillfully trained in helping you to clean out the anxiety and the mess that is weighing you down like an anchor that needs to have that rope cut once and for all so you can sail away to calmer waters.

​The transformation I can help you with will change the way you live, the way you love and the way your relationships show up. But what gets my gears grinding and makes my inner child happy is seeing the transformation of the relationship you have with yourself. Seeing your inner light switch on is pure gold for me. Let me be your guide, help you take a mindful medicine approach from beyond the bedside.


Let me help you, let me be your guide!

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Kristy has this unique ability to hold space and let me drop my walls. I've never felt judged, or anything. You can see her training has served her well. She definitely helped me to see my inner light. I'm doing things I once thought I couldn't or wouldn't do. More than I could ever have believed possible and with far less anxiety!

Actionable easy to use tools and resources


 Lets create a Buddha bowl for your mind, body and soul. I will help you develop a YOUnique toolkit that is yours alone.


These tools and resources will be your go to self-care practices as you navigate into the new authentic version of you. They will assist you to shed the layers of your onion or old snake skin that once held you captive. This tool kit will help build a solid foundation from the grounded roots up. Like planting a new tree in fertile soil. This tool kit will be your daily nurturing watering system.

I want to see you WIN


The joy of being a healthcare professional and the thing I love the most is seeing the transformation I have helped play a part of. We were not put on this earth to suffer long term. We were put here to experience the full range of amazing experiences. Living in chronic states of fight or flight, stress, anxiety and fear is not a way to live.


I want to see you win! Your transformation is cup filling goodness for me. As I see you win, it feels like a win for me too. I want to see you enjoying and experiencing the beauty that is life on earth school. Change and transformation can feel all kinds of sticky and icky. But it doesn’t have to be.

Your Hand Holder

I have held people's hands in some of their most devastating periods of time. Sharing stories and talking about our lives big T, little t moments are transformational and healing. As your coach and therapist I’m here to be your guide and chief hand holder. To support you and show you the possibilities not the probabilities. 


I'm empathic and nurturing with a side of tough love. Much like a pro athletes coach. They will guide and provide all the yes you can’s. But they will also offer tough love when needed. So if you are looking for a fluffy bunny style coach. I may not be your person.

Referral System


As a Nurse I am a natural relationship builder and connector. I have an extensive network of health professionals I can refer you to that only I would personally consult with.


As such when I refer you to someone, you will be getting the best care and well vetted connection. You won't be going in blindly wondering if you can trust the next person.


I have access to a wide variety of contacts and other referral systems to those who may better serve you if I am unable to. This especially includes those who do the body work I suggest among other professionals I feel will serve your highest good. Most of these people I have personally worked with and or had treatments myself from them.

"Kristy has this vibe about her I can't describe. She instantly made me feel like I was with another kindred spirit. She does have a wealth of health knowledge. But she has this way of explaining health and wellness in a way I have never been able to understand. She has a gift for sure."


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

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