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Inviting you Inward

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The only way to be truly successful, healthy and happy. Is to be connected to your Silent Whisper

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Download the FREE guide to get connected today

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Unlock Your Greatest Potential

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About Me


Purple Flower

Are you ready to HEAR your Silent Whisper correctly? and…

  • Feel happy and peaceful?

  • Get out of fight or flight mode?

  • Make decisions that empower your health, wealth and relationships?

  • Move through the world confident and secure?

  • Find creative satisfaction?

  • Attract and sustain meaningful relationships?

  • Feel lighter within your body, mind and spirit?

If your answer is “yesto any of the above, it’s time to turn down the volume of the analyser (your Brain), so you can hear your silent whisper (your Heart) of truth and learn to trust your gut instincts, the very instincts we were born with. Don’t wait. I’ll show you how to remember who you are, let me be your lighthouse, your bridge in between distortion of the mind and the truth of the heart and soul.

Your Silent Whisper Knows the Way

When you trust your own inner energy, you are stepping into the full power of who you really are and that is how you create the life you really want. You don’t 'develop' a connection to your Silent Whisper. It’s natural, it's innate. You activate it. I can show you the way. Why do we struggle, feel lonely, afraid, or unhappy? It's simple. We've forgotten what it means to be connected with our soul in daily life

No Time like the Present!

Let your inner creator create! the way it was designed to do before the world got its pesky little hands on you and you were told who to be.
We are all born with vital life force energy within us. Burnout and mental, emotional, physical health issues arise when we become chronically misaligned from our spirit our true nature. Our human energy system is like a wheel, when one spoke in the wheel becomes rusty, when not tended to on a regular basis the rest of the spokes start to follow suit. We have been conditioned societally to forget who we are and burnout is the cost. Tune into the frequency of you and who you prefer to be, make the decision. Go all in and watch as your life transforms.
I've spent years working with people in their darkest times. Both by the bedside and one-to-one, there seemed to be common themes...Very few, were connected to their inner truth on differing levels.
The inner truth was handed elsewhere due to people pleasing, some form of social or environmental programming and more often than not a nice little attachment wound to go with it. My mission from the bedside to beyond, to help people differently. Helping humans give themselves permission to trust and hear their inner knowing.
To quiet the analyser and make that silent whisper louder. We live in a world where our attention is caught in a million different mind traps.
We have given away a lot of our inner power to external sources. Believing they know us better than we know ourselves. Just so we continue to reject and abandon our silent whisper. For eons, we had learnt that if we wanted to belong we needed to follow the pack.
But you can free yourself, if you choose to allow yourself to get quiet enough and have a deep enough desire to reconnect within and stop rejecting and abandoning yourself

Project InBetween

Project InBetween

Project InBetween
Heart chakra healing guided meditation

Heart chakra healing guided meditation

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Guided meditation for Clearing energy to gain clarity and connection

Guided meditation for Clearing energy to gain clarity and connection

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Reiki guided meditation to clear Crown and Third eye

Reiki guided meditation to clear Crown and Third eye

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Guided Meditation for Inner Child Healing

Guided Meditation for Inner Child Healing

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